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Virtual, Belgium
ERIG Deep Dive Events

Presentations | Review

17 June 2021
Hydrogen & Business Cases

On June 17th 2021 from 10:00-12:00 CET, SuperP2G hosted the first Deep Dive event in the series of 'Deep Dive on Hydrogen Roadmaps & P2G Demo Projects'. The event gave as key  intermediate results from JKU-Linz and University of Groningen from within the SuperP2G project on the business case for hydrogen were pitched and discussed with experts from the field.


03 March 2021

Inventory and legal/regulatory framework of hydrogen in the transmission grid

In March 2021 HIGGS hosted an event on the “Inventory and legal/regulatory framework of hydrogen in the transmission grid”. During the event intermediate results on the project´s progress in that area were shown and discussed with 25 experts from European TSO´s and gas associations.

Closed since 30 June 2022
Virtual, Belgium
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